Isabella is a little bundle of energy! She's the oldest of the crew and shows the little one's how it's done; exploring and laughing throughout the shoot.

Next up is Leland, who is just sweet as can be. He's an observer who enjoys sitting back and taking in all that's going on around him.

I cannot get over Brody's eyes, they are amazing blue gems! This little one loves tummy time, and will be sitting up and crawling around in no time at all.

I do have to mention the Fuzzi Bunz in the next picture. Our little one is due in 3 weeks, and we're planning on cloth diapering, so I was so excited to see Brody in his Fuzzi Bunz - they're easy on the baby's tushy, nice for the environment, and look great in photos! ;)

Precious little Naya. She's the perfect little model, ready to follow in her mommy's footsteps and grace the stage with her presence. She's always ready with a big smile and witty dialog (the actual words will come later).

Until next time.
Beem Video & Photography
Central Coast, California